Behind the scenes...

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Chris, Jeremy & Colby

Yet another video was released. I'm about to watch it so I'm kinda excited for this... check the trailer here and make sure you don't miss it. It's a must. But that it's implied when Chris is on it.

Complete Photo set

Remember that incredibly sexy photoshoot for MEN magazine?
I posted some of the pictures that I found here and there in the net. Well, now you can own the whole set. It's unfuckingbelieable! insanly hot.


Cargado originalmente por vandyjay

Ok, so as I told you if you do a little research at FLIRCK you might find some very good pictures of our boy.

Our lovely Chris attended the LA and NY pride parade.
Here you can see him in NY, the best part, for su, at least was that it was such a rainy day... and you know what rain can do to underwear :)

I'm a bad person!

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